Honoring the visionaries...

...who created the

"Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve"

Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.

Paul R. Christen

Jack D. Furst

James & Jim Justice, Jr.

Sen. Joe Manchin

Robert "Bob" Mazzuca

Wayne Perry

J.W. & Hazel Ruby

Walter Scott, Jr.

The Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve is the new high adventure camp for the Boy Scouts of America.  Eleven monu­men­tal portrait bronze sculptures of visionaries and donors behind this great project were created by Tom White and unveiled at the 2013 National Jamboree.

 Setting for "The Summit" (or "SBR ") is on 10,600 acres near the New River Gorge national river in southwest West Virginia.

SBR is the fourth high adventure base for the BSA, permanent home to the National Jamboree and site of the 2019 World Jamboree.

Jack Furst commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin
Bob Mazzuca commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Senator Joe Manchin
J.W. and Hazel Ruby commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin
Walter Scott commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin
U.S. Senator Joe Manchin commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca
James Justice Sr. and Jim Justice, Greenbriar Resort, commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin

Wayne Perry commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin
Paul Christen commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Stephen Bechtel, Walter Scott, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin


Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. commissioned monumental portrait bronze sculptures, BSA Summit, Boy Scouts of America, Summit Bechtel National Family Scout Reserve, SBR, West Virginia, high adventure base camp scouting, memorial portrait sculptor Tom White, of Prescott, Arizona, 2013 Jamboree dedication of statues, commission a bronze sculpture monument, portrait sculptures of Walter Scott, Paul Christen, James & Jim Justice, J.W. and Hazel Ruby, Wayne Perry, Jack Furst, Bob Mazzuca, Senator Joe Manchin