Tom White
"I find immense satisfaction in honoring God and touching people through my art."
Tom White... passionate about his art
"The overall expressive qualities, the poignant gestures
and the dramatic poses of Tom White's bronzes are
what make this artist stand apart from his peers,"
— Beth Venn, Curator of American Art, Newark Museum.
Tom has created individual and multi-figure public and private art scenes that are located across the United States, England and Canada featuring an array of powerful subjects. These monuments include several war memorials, Biblical scenes, family portraits, historical figures, sports heroes, including RG3 Baylor 2011 Heisman trophy winner, teachers, prominent community figures and children.
Tom has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine publications, and television features.
"I believe that 'the face' is the mirror of the human soul and the map to the character of the spirit within. A person's heart always eventually shows up in his face. All of my work is geared toward capturing the elusive qualities within a person — the things that make them persevere, endure, grow, develop courage, live and love as human beings."
...says Tom. His creations-in-bronze leave an indelible mark on the heart of all those who experience the impact of the timeless messages of love, of hope, of country, of faith, of family, of community, of service, of character, of learning and education. In his own words, Tom describes... "Bronze is a difficult medium to bring warmth, passion and life to, but for some reason, this comes easily to me. I thrive on evoking a reaction from people who see my work.
"When I see people cry, laugh or pause when they first see a sculpture I have done of someone they know, that is reward in itself, and worth every effort. It makes me feel I've done my job right if they immediately connect with the finished piece.
"My greatest privilege in life is to be able to be a storyteller in bronze of
someone else's life and history. I love learning
and depicting people's individual, unique story
in lasting memorial bronze sculptures."